Tag: big island

  • Makanau – A Keystone Painting

    As part of this painting course, Rose had us work on a Keystone painting. This was the final painting of the class. The concept behind this is that it is the pivotal center point of a cluster of paintings that work together as a cohesive whole. There are many ways in which this can work,…

  • Kilauea- Work in Progress

    I have 3 paintings that are in progress right now, and only time to photograph one of them this morning before I head to the bakery. This is Kilauea, and I’m getting close. I still have to add features to the sky (read clouds) and now is the time to tweak what I need to…

  • Painting at Punalu’u Bakery

    The holiday weekend is coming up and I plan on spending it at the Punalu’u Bakery painting. Here is a picture from when I first started there a couple of months ago. My set-up has changed considerably since I started painting here. I will take a picture of what I do now for comparison! Please…